Monday 3 March 2014

Weight Loss : Things I Can Do Now #1 : Leave One Thing Out Of Your Sandwich

Welcome to Things I Can Do Now. This is a series of easy changes you'll hardly notice for those who wish to improve their diet and lifestyle without the effort!

Things I Can Do Now #1 : Leave One Thing Out Of Your Sandwich - The Butter .

This will have an impact over the course of the year on your fat intake. Think about how many tubs of spreadable butter and blocks of butter you buy each month/year. That's all fat you are eating.

Whether you have a super healthy open sandwich of hummus, sprouts and legumes or the more traditional chicken salad or ham and tomato, leaving out the butter/spread is a good move to cut fat and after a week you'll be used to it whilst still consuming your usual lunch each day!

1. Leave the butter off your toast and just spread with high fruit jams, preserves or marmalade. Or something savory like grilled tomatoes and mushrooms.

2. Make sandwiches as you normally would, leave out the butter, just add your normal filling. You may to have cut sandwiches into smaller pieces to be able to hold successfully without the filling falling out, again this is a good move for weight loss as it will encourage smaller bites and the sandwich to last longer.

Low fat sandwich love to all your hearts from Mrs. Bee. If you have any low fat sandwich recipes you love post them in the comments below or get in touch at

Image : An open sandwich topped with hummus, sprouted seeds and legumes.

Information on UK Raw Health is the opinion of the writer and/or other individuals mentioned. Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide education. Statements have not been evaluated or approved by any regulatory bodies. Before making any changes to diet, regime and/or lifestyle consult your doctor.

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